Thursday, June 3, 2010

dj name

My dj name would have to be dj ex just because i cant think of anything better. I think that would be straight just chilin like a rock star playing techno all day. So ya i think it would be straight.

why its important to stay informed

The reason I think that you should stay informed about your surroundings is simple. Without knowing about the stuff in the world then you cant prepare for anything on your own. Like if you always believe everything is fine even though we are getting bombed then you will be screwed. How can we be fine with all the corruption that we live with today. And let me guess you are probably thinking what corruption our world is perfect. Ya right they have us on a string because of tricks like currency and credit you never really own anything anymore you can pay for your house in full then you miss some taxes and well they steal it from you. The worst thing in my mind that you can do is support those bastards. Freedom is an illusion the freedom of free speech is restricted our freedom of press is monitored our phone lines can be tapped just with suspicion. The word freedom is overplayed and overused in this world everyone wants more freedom but they don't work for it. The government isn't even really in control anymore its all the corporations and the companies that control what we hear, see, watch and sometimes smell they flood us with ideas about how we should be. Pumping the drug supply to keep the radicals to get to strong just like during nam. All i am saying is that its not that hard to kill the drug supply out i mean build a wall and bam half the shit is gone. So why don't they stop it? Why don't the people that are supposed to make our country better doing that no we are in debt up to our eyeballs about to go to war with North Korea when we haven't finished in the middle east yet.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

summer plans

Ok so for summer i might try to go on vacation somewhere but i really have no idea where. The only for sure thing about this summer is that i am going to be working a lot. School will be a trip and a half. At least with summer school and everything. Man so much to do i need the eternal summer to do all this.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


during tennis we played doubles it was fun but i don't really like it it is a very strange sport there are no teams and the scoring is strange and the way people get into it kinda wireds me out it seems like a yuppy sport that only the rich feel good playing